NYS Sporter Rifle


rifileNYS Sporterifle is a postal target competition using .22 caliber Rimfire rifles. The minimum age to participate is 12 years of age. This is a great family activity. Weekly attendance is NOT mandatory, shoot when you can. Plan on joining us for some great shooting fun!

The shooting position is off-hand standing with the target at 50 feet. A match consists of three (3) completed targets with 10 shots per target. Shooters are given 10 minutes to complete each target. The target used is the NRA Official 50 ft. Light Rifle Target A-32. The maximum score per target is 100. A perfect match score is 300.


TCSA Indoor Range


The sport is designed so that expensive special equipment is not required. It is possible to be competitive with equipment you may already own. There is a maximum weight limit on gun and scope of 7.5 pounds. Slings or other devices that provide artificial support are not allowed. There is also an iron sights division/competition available, with no weight restriction on the gun. This division is an individual competition.


Matches are held weekly throughout the season (Mid-September to mid-March). The matches are shot on Sunday morning and Wednesday evening. Sunday matches start at 9:00 am and Wednesday matches start at 6:30 pm. Please arrive 1/2 hour early for registration and set up.


  1. There is a one-time equipment fee of $2 per year to join the NYS Sporterifle league.
  2. The fee to practice shoot is $4 per session. The shooter may shoot in all relays that day for the $4 fee.
  3. The fee to shoot for record is $4/session plus $1 per gun, scoped/iron sight.
  4. Fees are collected the day of the match/practice.
  5. The NYS Sporterifle Association will hold special matches at their discretion; such as the holiday match and a year-end shoot off. Fees are decided each year at their annual board meeting and mailed to team captains for dissemination to the shooters.



For more information visit www.sporterifle.org or contact Mike Colwell at tcsasporterifle@gmail.com or (607) 765-5555.