Memberships are valid from September 1st to August 31st.

We DO NOT pro-rate memberships, so buy/renew them on time to receive the full benefit of your membership year.

Non-members interested in using the facilities, please read the information in the RULES section of this website. A current Association member is required to accompany you during your stay here at TCSA. A release is also required and a day fee as well.Stop at the kiosk next to the driveway. Thank you!

About Us

Originally incorporated as The Owego Rod and Gun Club, Inc in July, 1907, the Tioga County Sportsmen’s Association, Inc. was renamed on February 10, 1925. Edward J. Wood, President of the club and Otis F. Swift, Secretary received a motion from the club members the preceding day to continue with the new incorporation.



TCSA provides Trap, Skeet, and 5-Stand venues. 

Tap on Shotgun for more information.



TCSA provides rifle disciplines in Sporter Rifle, NRA High Power (small bore and pistol cartridge silhouettes), and 22 NRL. No CMP events at this time.

Tap on Rifle for more information



TCSA offers Bullseye Pistol, International Pistol, and Action Handgun.

Tap on Pistol for more information.



TCSA offers Cowboy Action and Rimfire Steel Challenge.

Tap on Multigun for more information.